Where: Molpe beach, Sjövägen 271, Molpe
Time: 20.7 kl. 18-21
You need: Bathing suit, towel, wetsuit if you have one (lend from a friend if there is a possibility, we have som extras, but not enough for everyone), waterproof packed set of clothes, snacks, something to drink, appropriate clothes for the weather. We do not take responsibility over if telephones, cameras or other devices get wet
Price: 45 euro (with rented kayak) or 30 euro (own kayak). The price includes kayak equipment and a paddling instructor. You can pay with card or cash at the spot.
Application: through our e-mail [email protected] or text 0443010551 (Elina). There is 6 spots.
Kayaking counts as a hig-risk activity because of the element of water. Kayaking does not really have to be associated with danger if you are aware of the risks and can adapt to them. A lot of people paddle today without either safetyequipment or the knowledge on how to act if you would fall off the kayak. During this evening we go through the most important things for you as a relatively new kayaker or for you who haven’t practiced rescues or towing. I will mostly be focused on you who does short trips and daytrips.
During the evening we will go through necessary safetyequipment and how to use it. We will prectice different types of rescues, which are a necessity to know in case you or your friend of some reason would overturn. We will also learn how we can tow a friend if that’s what the situation demands. We will also be “swimming” in some excercises so depending on the watertemperature, it could be nice to do the excercises in a short-sleeved or long-sleeved wetsuit.
After the course night you will be moving a lot safer out on the sea an have more knowledge on how to react in case of an accident.
The course is suitable for you who never has had the opportunity to learn kayaking resques or to you who maybe has attended a safety course befor but would like to repeat.